Flag of the United Arab Emirates





UAE Dubai normal series G 6034.jpg (61 kB)
Normal series since 2004. No coding.

UAE Dubai normal series A 45416.jpg (81 kB)
Normal series since 2004. Plates with no prefix in the former style have been remade with letter A. This is an older registration that I've photographed in 2001-04 style before.

UAE Dubai normal series A 59341.jpg (156 kB)
UAE Dubai normal series close-up A 59341.jpg (38 kB)
Normal series since 2004. Plates with no prefix in the former style have been remade with letter A. This is an older registration that I've photographed in two other styles before: 1977-2001 style and 2001-04 style.

UAE Dubai normal series A 67946.jpg (61 kB)
Normal series since 2004. Plates with no prefix in the former style have been remade with letter A.

UAE Dubai normal series B 29986_trailer.jpg (79 kB)
Normal series since 2004. Plates with prefix '1' in the former style have been remade with letter B. This is the same trailer that I've photographed before in 2001-04 style.

UAE Dubai normal series C 97248.jpg (61 kB)
Normal series since 2004. Plates with prefix '2' in the former style have been remade with letter C.

UAE Dubai normal series K 80315.jpg (82 kB)
UAE Dubai normal series K 80315.jpg (115 kB)
UAE Dubai normal series close-up K 80315.jpg (39 kB)
Normal series since 2004. No coding. Trailer plates repeat the registration of the towing vehicle.

UAE Dubai normal series O 99188.jpg (102 kB)
UAE Dubai normal series close-up O 99188.jpg (57 kB)
Normal series since 2004. No coding.

UAE Dubai normal series American size optional style X 31337.jpg (134 kB)
UAE Dubai normal series American size optional style close-up X 31337.jpg (82 kB)
Normal series since 2004. American size. Optional plate style since 2014. No coding.

UAE Dubai motorcycle series 2 2120.jpg (156 kB)
UAE Dubai motorcycle series close-up 2 2120.jpg (52 kB)
Motorcycle series since 2015. c.2018 onwards plate style. No coding.

UAE Dubai motorcycle series 1 29499.jpg (183 kB)
UAE Dubai motorcycle series close-up 1 29499.jpg (88 kB)
Motorcycle series since 2015. c.2018 onwards plate style. No coding.

UAE Dubai motorcycle series 1 89154.jpg (181 kB)
UAE Dubai motorcycle series close-up 1 89154.jpg (129 kB)
Motorcycle series since 2015. c.2018 onwards plate style. No coding.

UAE Dubai motorcycle series 2 15214.jpg (163 kB)
UAE Dubai motorcycle series close-up 2 15214.jpg (83 kB)
Motorcycle series since 2015. c.2018 onwards plate style. No coding.

UAE Dubai former normal series 59341_2001.jpg (22 kB)
Normal series 1977-2004. 1977-2001 plate style. No coding. The next year the truck had plates in 2001-04 style and six years later in 2004 style.

UAE Dubai former normal series yellow 52581.jpg (24 kB)
Normal series 1977-2004. 1984-2001 plate style. The yellow band indicates serial between 100001 and 199999, so this is really 152581.

UAE Dubai former normal series yellow 52585.jpg (19 kB)
Normal series 1977-2004. 1984-2001 plate style. The yellow band indicates serial between 100001 and 199999, so this is really 152585.

UAE Dubai trucks of the Victory Team.jpg (25 kB)
The trucks of Victory Team Dubai.

UAE Dubai former normal series yellow 52582.jpg (22 kB)
Normal series 1977-2004. 1984-2001 plate style. The yellow band indicates serial between 100001 and 199999, so this is really 152582.

UAE Dubai mounting of 52582 on a trailer (16 kB)
Mounting of the plate of a trailer (or is it a plate collector snatching it?). Trailer plates repeat the registration of the towing vehicle.

UAE Dubai former normal series square yellow 52581_rear.jpg (22 kB)
Normal series 1977-2004. 1984-2001 plate style. American size. The yellow band indicates serial between 100001 and 199999, so this is really 152581.

UAE Dubai former normal series square yellow 52583.jpg (18 kB)
Normal series 1977-2004. 1984-2001 plate style. American size. The yellow band indicates serial between 100001 and 199999, so this is really 152583.


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