Flag of the United Kingdom





(and in many cases still issued as cherished marks etc.)

Great Britain former normal series remade as cherished number 784 BBH.jpg (151 kB)
Great Britain former normal series remade as cherished number close-up 784 BBH.jpg (66 kB)
Normal series 1953-64 remade as a cherished number in the 2001 onwards mandatory font. Euroband optional 2001-21. Front plate. BH denoted Buckinghamshire, but for cherished numbers the district coding doesn't apply.

Great Britain former normal series remade as cherished number 904 DRH.jpg (38 kB)
Normal series 1953-64 remade as a cherished number in the 2001 onwards mandatory font. Euroband optional 2001-21. Rear plate. RH denoted Kingston upon Hull, but for cherished numbers the district coding doesn't apply.

Great Britain former normal series remade as cherished number motorcycle 602 FUL.jpg (213 kB)
Great Britain former normal series remade as cherished number motorcycle close-up 602 FUL.jpg (118 kB)
Normal series 1953-64 remade as a cherished number in the 2001 onwards mandatory font. Euroband optional 2001-21. Motorcycle. UL denoted Greater London, but for cherished numbers the district coding doesn't apply.

Great Britain former normal series remade as cherished number 18 SJC.jpg (113 kB)
Great Britain former normal series remade as cherished number close-up 18 SJC.jpg (38 kB)
Normal series 1953-64 remade as a cherished number in the 2001 onwards mandatory font. With UK and the Union Jack in the blue band. Front plate. JC denoted Caernarvonshire in Wales, but for cherished numbers the district coding doesn't apply.

Great Britain former normal series front plate THE 3S.jpg (33 kB)
Normal series 1963-83. White front plates mandatory since 1973. HE = Sheffield. S = 1.8.1977- 31.7.1978. This registration mark has been transferred to a newer vehicle.

Great Britain former normal series rear plate MGD 6Y.jpg (21 kB)
Normal series 1963-83. Yellow rear plates mandatory since 1973. GD = Glasgow in Scotland. Y = 1.8.1982-31.7.1983. This registration mark has been transferred to a newer vehicle.

Great Britain former normal series front plate RJL 59R.jpg (138 kB)
Great Britain former normal series front plate close-up RJL 59R.jpg (45 kB)
Normal series 1963-83. White front plates mandatory since 1973. JL = Lincoln, Holland. The last R = 1.8.1976-31.7.1977. This registration mark has been transferred to a newer vehicle.

Great Britain former normal series front plate KGE 89T.jpg (22 kB)
Normal series 1963-83. White front plates mandatory since 1973. GE = Glasgow in Scotland. T = 1.8.1978-31.7.1979.

Great Britain former normal series rear plate SWJ 31S.jpg (19 kB)
Normal series 1963-83. Yellow rear plates mandatory since 1973. WJ = Sheffield. The last S = 1.8.1977-31.7.1978.

Great Britain former normal series rear plate CPL 31T.jpg (19 kB)
Normal series 1963-83. Yellow rear plates mandatory since 1973. PL = Guildford. T = 1.8.1978- 31.7.1979.

Great Britain former normal series front plate TJE 813K.jpg (15 kB)
Normal series 1963-83. White front plates mandatory since 1973. JE = Cambridge & Isle of Ely (1965-75). K = 1.8.1971-31.7.1972.

Great Britain former normal series rear plate KPX 849Y.jpg (20 kB)
Normal series 1963-83. Yellow rear plates mandatory since 1973. PX = Portsmouth. Y = 1.8.1982- 31.7.1983.

Great Britain former normal series rear plate HBJ 748N.jpg (21 kB)
Normal series 1963-83. Yellow rear plates mandatory since 1973. BJ = Ipswich. N with serial letter H = 1.10.1974-31.7.1975.

Great Britain former normal series motorcycle HRV 718N.jpg (18 kB)
Normal series 1963-83. Motorcycle. Yellow plates mandatory since 1973. RV = Portsmouth. N = 1.8.1974-31.7.1975.

Great Britain former normal series rear plate ROB 36R.jpg (152 kB)
Great Britain former normal series rear plate close-up ROB 36R.jpg (57 kB)
Normal series 1963-83. Yellow rear plates mandatory since 1973. Remade in the 2001 onwards mandatory font. Euroband optional 2001-21. OB = Birmingham. R = 1.8.1976-31.7.1977. This is a caravan displaying the registration of the towing vehicle.

Great Britain former normal series front plate SJV 177T.jpg (32 kB)
Normal series 1963-83. White front plates mandatory since 1973. Remade in the 2001 onwards mandatory font. Euroband optional 2001-21. JV = Grimsby. T = 1.8.1978-31.7.1979.

Great Britain former normal series rear plate LPW 673P.jpg (24 kB)
Normal series 1963-83. Yellow rear plates mandatory since 1973. Remade in the 2001 onwards mandatory font. Euroband optional 2001-21. PW = Norwich. P = 1.8.1975-31.7.1976.

Great Britain former normal series rear plate KNA 11S.jpg (133 kB)
Great Britain former normal series rear plate close-up KNA 11S.jpg (62 kB)
Normal series 1963-83. Yellow rear plates mandatory since 1973. Remade with blue band with the Union Jack in the 2001 onwards mandatory font. NA = Manchester. S = 1.8.1977-31.7.1978, but the vehicle may be newer. In this case it is a personalised registration on a Knaus camper.

Great Britain former normal series motorcycle SGT 10P.jpg (185 kB)
Great Britain former normal series motorcycle close-up SGT 10P.jpg (137 kB)
Normal series 1963-83. Motorcycle. Yellow plates mandatory since 1973. Remade with blue band with the Union Jack in the 2001 onwards mandatory font. GT = London, south-west. P = 1.8.1975- 31.7.1976, but the vehicle may be newer. The rider told me this is personalised and means Sergeant 10 pence.

Great Britain former normal series front plate AGN 1A.jpg (113 kB)
Great Britain former normal series front plate close-up AGN 1A.jpg (42 kB)
Normal series 1963-83. White front plates mandatory since 1973. Remade with blue band with UK and the Union Jack in the 2001 onwards mandatory font. GN = Greater London. The last A = 1.1.1963-31.12.1963, but the vehicle may be newer.

Great Britain former normal series front plate X39 UOE.jpg (128 kB)
Great Britain former normal series front plate close-up X39 UOE.jpg (32 kB)
Normal series 1983-2001. Front plate. X = 1.9.2000-28.2.2001. OE = Birmingham.

Great Britain former normal series front plate Y72 LBV.jpg (125 kB)
Great Britain former normal series front plate close-up Y72 LBV.jpg (87 kB)
Normal series 1983-2001. Front plate. Y = 1.3.2001-31.8.2001. BV = Preston.

Great Britain former normal series rear plate P62 SWY.jpg (71 kB)
Great Britain former normal series rear plate close-up P62 SWY.jpg (48 kB)
Normal series 1983-2001. Rear plate. P = 1.8.1996-31.7.1997. WY = Leeds.


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